Author Archives: khmadmin

Thieves Vintage Flea Market – November 4, 2017

The Thieves Vintage Flea Market is coming up a week from this Saturday, on November 4, 2017. I will be there selling my Vintage Tin Paintings. This is a very popular monthly outdoor, old school flea market with vendors selling antiques, vintage and handmade items, and exotic imports that runs from October 2017 through April of 2018. It is located at 500 N. McClintock, Tempe AZ in the parking lot of Big Surf Water Park, on their off season.

Those of you in the area, please come see my latest paintings on vintage tin. I look forward to meeting all of you!!


* Early entry for dealers, 8am – 9am / $6
* General admission, 9am – 3pm / $3
Kids 12 and under are free!